If you feel like you cannot tahan this COVID-19 anymore, limpeh got your back man.
From May to June this year, I teamed up with the National University Health System Mind Science Centre (NUHS MSC) for two surveys about your Workplace Resilience and Mental Health Resilience. MSC is a centre under NUHS and NUS’s School of Medicine set up to research on ways to build up mental resilience without using drugs – good leh, more ways to protect our mental health is important!
Gamxia to the 3,256 people who told us your true feelings. Got frontliners, people who WFH, men, women, students, uncles and aunties…everyone shared lah.
Last time many of you will say you sian to go to office, simple things can do on your laptop at home why need to show face to your boss right? Now after working from home for so many months, a lot of us want to ki siao already!
Our survey found that women and millennials lagi more jialat than men and boomers. A lot of cha bors feel that they don’t get enough support at work and at home. My colleague told me she every day got so many Zoom calls, then halfway through must turn off camera because need to feed her baby, change the baby’s diaper, then stop the cat from climbing onto the kitchen counter… zoom here zoom there sibeh shag sia, how to do work properly!
Then you all think all these millennials, young people means got energy is it? Eh, mental health is not about how old you are or how many times you use your Classpass ok? Anyone and everyone can be affected, even young people, and so many of them told us they not confident to handle negative emotions. Work from home means don’t have the lunch breaks, smoke breaks and toilet gossip to share our feelings. So, not easy lah!
Limpeh compile the survey results swee swee for you, you see what kind of problems we all kena and how we can help one another get through this.
Limpeh know a lot of people don’t like to talk about their feelings. Either you all very introvert or private, or you all scared kena judged by other people. Then now kena this pandemic, our mental health lagi worse.
Cannot ignore hor! If you are not feeling ok, just ask for help. It’s okay one. Mental health is not you own self tackle. No one will say you are weak. If someone tells you that, you let limpeh know, I give him a good one. Even if you are Ms Sunshine, sometimes your smile can turn into a frown, making you down!
Talk to someone and get help. Our survey says uncles and aunties are quite positive, so maybe can chit chat with them – safe distancing hor, please remember – about how to keep your spirits up (but not the 7th month kind lah, walao don’t scare limpeh).
If you need immediate help, here are some helplines:
- Institute of Mental Health’s Mental Health Helpline (6389-2222)
- AWARE Women’s Helpline (1800 777 5555)
- Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) (1800 283 7019)
- Youth Line (6336 3434)
- Touch Line for youths (1800 377 2252)